+84 28 2269 1357
T2 - T6 : 8h - 17h

- Need to establish a new factory and register related licenses? - Require professional accountants to manage your tax affairs?

- The Chinese version is shown in the image below - [MEDIA SUPPORT]
At KlearC, we cater to all your needs, big or small, ensuring peace of mind through our comprehensive services.
Our accounting and legal team offers cost-effective, efficient one-stop accounting and legal services. We provide comprehensive financial assistance when setting up new factories, allowing business owners to effortlessly handle financial matters.
Welcome to contact Mr. Chan
📞855 - 1785 5807
📱 855 - 8785 5807
📍 8th Floor, Building 18, Street 578, Beoungkok 2, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Có thể là hình ảnh về văn bản
English version
Có thể là hình ảnh về văn bản cho biết 'KLEARC consult & communicate 歡迎聯絡陳先生 855-17855807 (Cell) 855-87855807 855-87855807(Smart) (Smart) horaceonline +85587855807 http://klearconsult.com 8th Floor, Building 18, Street 578, Beoungkok2,KhanToulKork, Kork, Beoungkok2, Khan PhnomPenh,Cambodia. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 需要開設新工廠和註冊相關牌照? 需要專業會計人員為您打理稅務事宜? 凱樂士期望閣下事無大小 凱樂士期望閣下事無大小·只需 只需透過本 所即可高枕無憂地解決問題。 我們的會計及法律團隊,提供 提供低成本、 高效益的一站式會計及法律服務。 找們的會計及法律團隊,提供低成太、 在開 設新工廠時, 可提供財務上的一站式協 助, ·讓老闆們可以輕鬆處理財務事宜。 凱樂士幫到你 B8 F'
China version

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